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  • Clarksville Educational Article of the Month - What are Some of the Problems Caused by Groundhog Digging?

What are Some of the Problems Caused by Groundhog Digging?

Groundhogs or Clarksville woodchucks as they are also known, are rodents that are akin to squirrels and prairie dogs. An average, mature groundhog can weigh at least ten pounds! They will often dig large and very complex tunnel systems which they will use as their homes for nesting, reproduction, hoarding food, and during hibernation. These burrows are very important to a Tennessee groundhog's survival however, for us humans, the can be quite a nuisance for the following reasons:
• Damage to yard/property
• Physical injuries
• Unstable ground
• Structural damage

In this article, we will talk about these reason in more detail below:

Cause damage to your yard
Because of the Tennessee groundhog's propensity to dig and dig, they end up moving A LOT of dirt in the process! If you are unlucky to have groundhog in your yard, then you will be sure to be in for a surprise at what damage they can cause to your plants and grass. With all the dirt being moved around, your plants' roots will often be damaged. If you don't get rid of your groundhog problem, you yard will end up like a war zone before that Clarksville groundhog is through with it!

Cause physical injuries
Groundhog mounds are often slightly elevated but not easily seen until it is too late! A person can easily trip over these and sprain an ankle or worse (God forbid!) before he or she knows what has happened. It can damage to equipment that you use in your yard if you accidentally steer them in over a Clarksville groundhog mound. Animals such as horses if you have them on your property are particular prone to injury if there are groundhog mounds just lying all around your property.

Cause ground to be unstable
We already know that because of the excessive digging, the ground underneath can be damaged but did you know that it is also very unstable? All that dirt that has been moved around? Well, it isn't holding anything up anymore. You could be walking on your yard one day and suddenly the ground could give way without you even expecting it! This can cause injury to you and is another nuisance for you that you will need to clean up and fix.

Cause structure damage
Structural damage could possible be the worst of all the problems that Tennessee groundhog digging could cause. As we already know, the ground is unstable and therefore the foundations of your house could be compromised. This can be very unsafe for you and anyone else living in your building or house.

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